L’amour (love.)
Such a wide subject that had countless French thinkers and writers ponder about it.
Today, we will go through a few quotations that aim to define it for what it really is.
In other words, it is l’amour through des yeux français (French eyes.)
Aimer, c’est trouver sa richesse hors de soi
(To love is to find one’s wealth out of one’s self)
Alain (Emile Chartier), “Éléments de philosophie“, Gallimard.
(To love is to find one’s wealth out of one’s self)
Alain (Emile Chartier), “Éléments de philosophie“, Gallimard.
Les raisons d’aimer et de vivre varient comme font les saisons.
(The reasons of loving and living vary as the seasons do)
Aragon, Les Yeux d’Elsa, “Pour un chant national“, Gallimard.
(The reasons of loving and living vary as the seasons do)
Aragon, Les Yeux d’Elsa, “Pour un chant national“, Gallimard.
Pour aimer, il faut avoir du courage quand on a de l’argent, et un romantisme délirant lorsqu’on est pauvre.
(To love, one must have courage when one is rich, and a great deal of romanticism when one is poor)
Christine Anthony, “Un Type merveilleux”
(To love, one must have courage when one is rich, and a great deal of romanticism when one is poor)
Christine Anthony, “Un Type merveilleux”
La femme qu’on aime, c’est celle qui vous fait oublier que vous en aimerez d’autres.
(The woman one loves is the one who makes you forget that you would love other ones.)
Y. Audouard, “Les Pensées“, Le Cherche Midi.
(The woman one loves is the one who makes you forget that you would love other ones.)
Y. Audouard, “Les Pensées“, Le Cherche Midi.
Il n’y a pas d’amour, il n’y a que des preuves d’amour.
(There is no such a thing as love, only proofs of love.)
J. de Bourbon Busset, “Tu ne mourras pas“, Gallimard.
(There is no such a thing as love, only proofs of love.)
J. de Bourbon Busset, “Tu ne mourras pas“, Gallimard.
Il faut aimer au-dessus de ses moyens.
J. de Bourbon Busset, “Tu ne mourras pas“, Gallimard.
J. de Bourbon Busset, “Tu ne mourras pas“, Gallimard.
Quand on n’aime pas trop, on n’aime pas assez.(When one does not love too much, one does not love enough.)
R. de Bussy-Rabutin, “Les Maximes d’amour pour les femmes“.
R. de Bussy-Rabutin, “Les Maximes d’amour pour les femmes“.
Qui n’aime personne se déteste : l’amour de soi passe par autrui.
(People who love no one hate themselves: Self love goes through others.)M. Chapelan, “Amoralités familières“, Grasset.
(People who love no one hate themselves: Self love goes through others.)M. Chapelan, “Amoralités familières“, Grasset.
Celui qui aime beaucoup ne pardonne pas facilement.(The person who loves too much does not easily forgive.)Claudel, “L’Otage“, Gallimard.